
500+ Anti Tobacco Slogans, Quotes and Taglines

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TheBiranchi Team has collected an extensive list of the best catchy and unique Anti-Tobacco Slogans, Quotes, Phrases, Taglines, and Sayings.

If you are looking for enchanting and unique slogans and taglines related to anti-tobacco, then don’t search for more. Luckily! You are at the right place.

Our team has shortlisted a few catchy slogans and quotes to save you time and energy.

The best and most lovely Anti-Tobacco quotes for your loved ones are listed below. Share with those you care about to strengthen your bonds.


Anti-Tobacco Slogans

Stop this; it’s the ticket to death.

Smoking? It’s crap.

Don’t smoke and be brave.

Son, I love you! Cease bidis.

Throw it before it hunts you.

Marijuana? You must be bunter.

The cigar’s the biggest blunder.

Stay calm and stop tobacco.

Shhh! It’s the secret of destruction.

Gutka is colorful, with red teeth, and black lungs.

It’s an enemy of self-control.

It injures the soul.

It’s distracting life.

People died because of addiction.

Unfortunately, your deadline starts.

Life hates smokers.

If you die, your child will cry.

Hate tobacco and love family.

Save your mouth to kiss your child.

Gym recovers your body and soul.

Life is chocolate, so enjoy it.

Far away to addiction.

Be careful life never comes again.

Addiction wastes time and money.

Drugs are the shit of life.

Hands up and be drug-free.

Be kind to yourself.

Don’t burn yourself with a cigarette.

Drugs are the enemy of life.

When you use more, your countdown starts.

It’s an alarm of death.

If you are addicted, you are the biggest loser.

It’s the most significant war with yourself.

Drugs is a crime.

Drugs turn you the wrong way.

I don’t use drugs because I love my family.

Never compromise your health.

Chars? Are you out of your senses?

Don’t blame anyone; it’s your fault.

It’s a disease, search for its cure.

Smoke is a cause of pollution.

Today take decisions makes the future perfect.

No cigar. No problem.

Drugs hack your life.

Think you can do it.

Get rid of your life’s darkness.

Be a rare man; don’t use drugs.

Drugs kill if you use it.


Anti-Smoking Slogans

Say YES to NO Smoking

Be smart, Don’t start

Smoking? You must be joking

You don’t have to smoke to be hot!

Be Cool – Don’t Be a Smoking Fool

Don’t take smoke as a joke

Smokers are jokers

Don’t put your lips on fire

Too much smoke will leave you broke

Burn calories, not cigarettes

Smart folks, don’t like smokes.

Don’t be a fool, smoking isn’t cool

Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket

Don’t spoil your life with cigarettes; let it nourish with joy and happiness.

Life is beautiful; Why smoke and make it regretful?

Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

Stop smoking, or you will be croaking

Kill the cigarettes or they kill you

You’re a fool if you think smoking is cool

The choice is yours but doesn’t be late

Be important, don’t be impotent

Smoking and coughing live together

Smoking? It’s bullshit

It’s a matter of your life dude, quit now

Smokia causes impotia

Cool dude don’t smoke

Be smart – Don’t start

Put it down

Be cool, don’t be a fool

Smokers are losers

Say sorry to cigarettes

Stop smoking now

Make it last forever

Stay healthy and stop smoking

Say no to smoking

Listen, your heart is begging you to quit smoking

Stop smoking – Start living

Don’t let your life be destroyed by yourself

Say no to smoking, say yes to life

Your health is in your hands

People are haters of smokers

I don’t smoke coz I love myself

Listen to your lungs, they are crying

Do it before its too late

Smart people don’t smoke

Don’t burn your life with cigarettes

Stop calling cancer

It’s possible

Listen to your lungs, stop smoking

The best day is the quitting day

Stop smoking, please

Smoke today – Weep tomorrow

Stop it for life

Throw cigarette before cigarette throws you away

I love non-smokers, I mean I love healthy guys

Be a man, remain a man, don’t smoke

Quit & Stay healthy

Smoking isn’t cool

It’s easy to quit

Cigarettes, sexual capacity reducer

Stand up against cigarettes

We want a cigarette-free world

Make healthy choices

Kick it before it kicks you

It’s a matter of your health

Keep calm and say no to cigarettes

One life – One chance – Don’t smoke

Refusing is a better choice


Catchy Anti-Smoking Slogans

Be smart. Don’t start.

Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.

Save your lungs.

Everyone has the right to clean air.

Smoking? You must be joking.

Smoking isn’t cool.

You’re a fool if you think smoking is cool.

Put it out before it puts you out.

Tar the roads, not your lungs.

Breath healthily, lives happily.

I don’t dig your cig.

Put it out for good.

100% smoke-free.

Be A Fighter; Put Down The Lighter.

Be Cool – Don’t Be a Smoking Fool.

Be Cool, Don’t be a Fool.

Be important, don’t be impotent.

Be smart. Don’t start.

Breathe healthily, and live happily.

Bullying is like smoking, it can kill.

Cancer cures smoking.

The choice is yours but don’t be late.

Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs.

Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.

Cigarettes: You take my breath away.

Cough twice for Philip Morris.

Did you know your mouth is on fire?

Do it before it’s too late.

Don’t be a Butthead.

Don’t let your future go up in smoke.

Don’t pout, put it out.

Don’t puff your life away.

Don’t smoke – there are cooler ways to die.

Don’t smoke you will choke!

Don’t smoke, it’s not a joke.

Don’t burn your life with cigarettes.

Don’t let your life be destroyed by yourself.

Everyone has a right to clean air.

Hang tough, don’t puff.

I don’t dig your cig.

I like smoking. It kills off a lot of stupid people.

I quit because my kids love me.

If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.

Is smoking good for business? Not if you want long-term customers.

Kill the cigarettes or they kill you.

Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.

Lions, and Tigers and Bears oh my…

Drinking and Smoking and Drugs? Goodbye!

Listen to your lungs, they are crying.

Live it or Burn it…

Make it last forever.

People are haters of smokers.

Please keep smoking. Our planet is overcrowded.

Put it down.

Put it out before it puts you out.

Quit and stay healthy.

Quit smoking before smoking quits you.

Quit smoking. It kills!

Quitting has never felt so good!

Save Money – Quit Smoking!

Save your lungs, save your life.

Say no to smoking.

Say sorry to cigarettes.

Say yes to life.

Share clean air.

Smart folks don’t use smokes.

Smart people don’t smoke.

Smoke and choke.

Smoke away your worries, not your lungs.

Smoke can cause a slow and painful death.

Smoke. Stink. Die.

Smokers are jokers – Don’t smoke.

Smokers are losers.

Smoking – Suicide for Cowards.

Smoking and coughing live together.

Smoking BATTERS your Health. No-Smoking BETTERS your health.

Smoking cigarettes is so yesterday.

Smoking FAIL your Health. No-Smoking BAIL your health.

Smoking INJURES your Health. No-Smoking INSURES your health.

Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. They’re rich; you’re dead.

Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.

Smoking is very glamorous if you like deep wrinkles.

Smoking makes you ugly.

Smoking PACK-UP your Health. No-

Smoking BACK-UP your health.

Smoking prohibited. PEZing allowed.

Smoking SCARES your Health. No-Smoking CARES your health.

Smoking SLICE Your Health. No-Smoking SPLICE your health.

Smoking Stinks!

Smoking dope won’t help you cope.

Smoking TORTURE your Health. No-Smoking NURTURE your health.

Smoking? You must be joking…

Smoking…a Grave Mistake.

Stay healthy and stop smoking.

Stop calling cancer.

Stop smoking now.

Stop smoking, or you will be croaking.

Stop smoking. Start living.

Tar the roads, not your lungs.

The “Marlboro Man” died of lung cancer.

The cigarette does the smoking – you’re just the sucker.

The Cigarette is dead.

There are cooler ways to die than


Think smoking is cool then you are a fool.

Tobacco companies kill their best customers.

Tobacco is wacko.

Tobacco or Health: Choose Health.

Too much smoke will leave you broke.

Trash the Ash.

Who says being a quitter is a bad thing?

You can live without it.

You smoke, you die early, and you save the government money.

You take my breath away.

Your health is in your hands.

Your Money Going Up in Smoke.


Funny Smoking Slogans

Cigarette, I’m smokin’ it.

Unlike you, Cigars make me happy.

Smoking is colorful, with Black lungs, Yellow teeth.

Don’t let tobacco destroy you, start by destroying Tobacco!

Don’t smoke cigarettes, there are cooler ways to die.

Be brighter, put down the lighter.

Smoking helps you relax in the grave.

Warning: I quit smoking, speak to me at your own risk.

Be Cool – Don’t Be a Smoking Fool.

Be Cool, Don’t be a Fool.

Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.

I don’t dig your cig.

I like smoking. It kills off a lot of stupid people.

Please keep smoking. Our planet is overcrowded.

Smoke and choke.

Smokers are losers.

Smoking…a Grave Mistake.

There are cooler ways to die than smoking.

Tobacco companies kill their best customers.


Anti Vape Slogans

You lost your senses.

If you stop smoking, you are a good fighter.

It affects the ability to think.

Be aware of your family or friends.

Quit drugs are the best option.

Drugs cause violence.

Chars make you a beggar.

Marijuana reduces willpower.

Be aware before ending the game of life.

Girls love cool boys, not smokers.

Standup flush your drugs.

Everyone likes healthy guys.

Observation is better than experience.

Life is not a film, and you are not a hero.

Face the reality of life.

Drugs don’t give you a second chance.

It makes you irritated.

Addiction makes you zero.

The fresh juice flavor is better than the Huka flavor.

I’m with you, but not your cigarette.

Select one, life, or drugs.

The excellent decision makes you durable.

Drugs? No, I’m not silly.

Char's users are the darkness of the world.

Be ashamed of the usage of afiyoon.

Leave this and recognize your worth.

Drugs call disability.

First, you enjoy it; then, drugs enjoy your body.

Determination removes impossibilities.

Bad habits leave their effects.

If you want to use it, then think about its effect.

Hit it before it hits you.

Drugs were not placed in your life.

Marijuana is not for you.

Love yourself.

Don’t lose hope.

Don’t hesitate to concern the doctor.

Exercise improves health for addicted people.

Don't be proud to take a pic with a cigar its shameful action.

Stop to take risks to health.

Get the freedom of this dark cave.

Did you know your lungs are on fire?

Stop chasing drugs.

How far can you breathe?

Get up and think about these disadvantages.

Feel the fear of death.

I eat healthy food but not chars.

You need help from your family to prevent this.

Watching movies is a better option for drugs to release tension.

If you want to fulfill dreams, then leave Marijuana.

Don’t permit harmful products to interrupt your life.

Refuse to Cocaine.

Stop hookah. It’s a mess of you.

I am smart; don’t come near.

Cocaine makes life dull.

You can’t achieve high grades if you use cocaine.

Listen to your pain voice.

The drug is in the top list of problems.

Stop drugs, save a marriage.

The chemistry lab is better than a meth lab.

If you love money, don’t waste it.

Drugs attract and attack the youngest more.

It’s a devil's business.

Drug companies play with innocent humans.

Attract soon and damage soon secretly.


Anti-Smoking Sayings

If you are addicted, you play your loved ones.

Don’t be proud it’s a false impression.

It’s an expensive death pill.

You can’t fly smoke; you fly your breath.

Recognize your importance.

Ones use drugs; it’s addicted forever.

If you can’t stop, then cancer can’t stop.

Smoke, shadow your heart.

You can’t see your generation.

Drugs are killers that travel in a pocket.

If you are addicted, you love loneliness.

It’s no solution to worries.

It’s a relaxing poison.

It’s not cool. It’s horrible.

Don’t fuck your life.

Save money, save health.

Gutka causes mouth cancer.

Left smoking before it left you on the bed of death.

Sincere friends can’t carry the habit of drugs.

Say no to Afiyoon.

Honesty starts with yourself.

Listen to your loved one; they are weeping.

We wish a drugs-free world.

Drugs kill our nation.

Good people fight with bad habits, not humans.

Don’t use chars it’s kidding of life.

Friends also enjoy being without drugs.

Don’t smoke, because I’m intelligent.

The best moment was when you decided to quit.

More usage of drugs pays the penalty.

Be a star; throw lighter.

Spread joy, clean atmosphere, and Say no to tobacco.

Promise yourself now, no life ruin with drugs.

Dare yourself no more Marijuana.

Broken hearts victim of drugs.

Be careful; it’s fake.

If you are addicted, then you can’t survive in society.

Say goodbye to drugs.

Drugs make a failure.

Hates drugs, not drugs addicted.

Stay safe and denied.

Smoke doesn’t destroy only you; it destroys others also.

Huka thrill, but it’s harmful.

You burn your flower life.

Quit today, until it's too late.

Usage of tobacco dug grave slowly.

Cigarette? No, don’t flirt with me.

Smokers can’t enjoy the old life.

Drugs are silent suicide.

Be brave! Defeat lame excuses.

If you are addicted, you lose everything.


Anti-Tobacco Day Slogans

Cocaine makes you duffer.

Stop the advertisement of tobacco.

Drug addiction becomes social abuse.

Say no to the tobacco mafia.

Tobacco is not a sweet dish.

Don’t underestimate the willpower.

Tobacco loses the mind.

Drugs rock, you shock.

Please don’t use tobacco its takes away from happiness.

Tobacco cause throat irritation.

Don’t leave your loved one lonely.

Never die before your death.

Don’t put lips on the other side of the burning fire.

You’re bullshit if you think tobacco gives you peace.

You have no right to damage your body.

Your thirst is temporary, but damaging lungs is permanent.

It’s a pass of hell.

If you want to become a hero, then quit tobacco.

You think It gives satisfaction, but the reality is worst.

It’s not your matter; it’s a society matter.

Life is easy; don’t make it difficult.

Tobacco makes you weaker day by day.

Tobacco makes you a slave.

Be aware before the game is over.

Drugs deal with you which ruins you.

Addiction hurts you more.

Declare you can get rid off tobacco.

Marijuana disappears your beauty.

Listen to your conscience.

Be rude to drugs.

Drugs turn you down day by day.

Stop drugs, start prevention.

Block drugs in your life.

Hug your mom is better than the use of a drug.

Rise like the sun, not like smoke.

Firstly drugs give you wings to fly then cut it.


Quit Smoking: Quotes

“Smoking: The most stylish way to cancer” ― Jitendra Attra


“More than one cigar at a time is excessive smoking.” — Mark Twain


“Smoking ages you quicker than almost anything else.” — Polly Bergen


“It takes a lot of dedication to quitting smoking, and whether you give up for good on your first try or have to give it a couple of tries – just keep swinging at it and you will succeed.” — Harmon Killebrew


“A cigarette is a roll of paper, tobacco, and drugs, with a small fire on one end and a large fool at the other. Some of its chief benefits are cancer of the lips and stomach, softening of the brain, funeral processions, and families shrouded in gloom and grief. Although a great many people know this, they still smoke in order to appear sophisticated.” ― Ann Landers


“They used to have a smoking section at most airports. No more. They now have these glass-encased rooms. You’re not just a smoker, you’re an example to other people. You’re an exhibit at a futuristic zoo.” — Marc Maron


“Habit is stronger than reason.” — George Santayana


“My worst habit used to be smoking but I quit.” — Katherine Heigl


“Parents should not smoke in order to discourage their kids from smoking. A child is more likely to smoke when they have been raised in the environment of a smoker.” — Christy Turlington


“I’m more proud of quitting smoking than of anything else I’ve done in my life, including winning an Oscar.” — Christine Lahti


“A cigarette is a roll of paper, tobacco, and drugs, with a small fire on one end and a large fool at the other. Some of its chief benefits are the cancer of the lips and stomach, softening of the brain, funeral processions, and families shrouded in gloom and grief. Although a great many people know this, they still smoke in order to appear sophisticated.” ― Ann Landers


“You’re always better off if you quit smoking; it’s never too late.” — Loni Anderson


“I want all hellions to quit puffing that hell fume in God’s clean air.” — Carrie Nation


“Quitting is the only way you can stop smoking.” ― Abhishek Kumar


“The only way to break a bad habit was to replace it with a better habit.” ― Jack Nicholson


“Smoking: The most stylish way to cancer” ― Jitendra Attra


“More than one cigar at a time is excessive smoking.” — Mark Twain


“Smoking ages you quicker than almost anything else.” — Polly Bergen


“It takes a lot of dedication to quitting smoking, and whether you give up for good on your first try or have to give it a couple of tries – just keep swinging at it and you will succeed.” — Harmon Killebrew


“I quit smoking, I feel better, I smell better. And it’s safer to drink out of old beer cans laying around the house.” — Roseanne Barr


“When you’re not smoking anymore, you don’t have to carry around a pack of cigarettes, a lighter – all this paraphernalia. So you’re liberated in a certain sense. It’s the same with drinking.” — Brice Marden


“My friend is an idiot. He smokes three packs of cigarettes a day. He won’t quit, either. His big excuse is, “Why should I quit smoking? Anything could kill me. I could be walking down the street one day and I could be hit by a bus.” Maybe if you quit smoking you could cross the street a hell of a lot faster.” — Gregg Rogell


“I stopped smoking. When I stopped smoking, my voice changed… so drastically, I couldn’t believe it myself.” — Bob Dylan


“I don’t operate on smokers. I tell cigarette smokers that I can operate on them, and I get paid the same. And you might even do well. But it’s the wrong thing to do. So I refuse to operate on you until you stop smoking.” — Mehmet Oz


Smoking Kills: Quotes

“Cigarette smoking is a significant contributor to global warming!” — Al Gore


“If you ever lit a cigarette in your life, you have very little will to live.” — Neale Donald Walsch


“Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” — Brooke Shields


“People always come up to me and say that my smoking is bothering them….well it’s killing me!” — Wendy Liebman


“Impotence is one of the major hazards of cigarette smoking.” — Loni Anderson


“It is better to not even try it than to endure the ramifications of either quitting smoking or dying.” — Christy Turlington


“A cigarette is the only consumer product which when used as directed kills its consumer.” — Gro Harlem Brundtland


“Cigarette companies market heavily to young people. They need young customers because their product kills the older ones. It is the only product that, if used as intended, kills the consumer.” — George Carlin


“Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.” — King James I


“The true face of smoking is a disease, death, and horror – not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.” — David Byrne


“The dead drug leaves a ghost behind. At certain hours it haunts the house.” — Jean Cocteau


Popular Quotes on No-Tobacco

“Tobacco is the tomb of love.” ― Benjamin Disraeli


“Tobacco is a culture productive of infinite wretchedness.” ― Thomas Jefferson


“On tobacco: A branch of the sin of drunkenness, which is the root of all sins.” ― King James I


“It is illegal for children to purchase tobacco in every state in the country. And in every state … tobacco companies have invested enormous sums of money and time to encourage widespread lawbreaking.” ― John McCain


“If a doctor assists you in your suicide, it is called manslaughter, while if a tobacco company does, it is called commerce.” ― Neale Donald Walsch


“In Europe, when tobacco was first introduced, it was immediately banned. In Turkey, if you got caught with tobacco, you had your nose slit. China and Russia imposed the death penalty for possession of tobacco.” ― Andrew Weil


“Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco.” ― Will Rogers


“Annual drug deaths: tobacco: 395,000, alcohol: 125,000, ‘legal’ drugs: 38,000, illegal drug overdoses: 5,200, marijuana: 0. Considering government subsidies of tobacco, just what is our government protecting us from in the drug war?” — Ralph Nader


“Cigarette smoking is a significant contributor to global warming!” — Al Gore


“If you ever lit a cigarette in your life, you have very little will to live.” — Neale Donald Walsch


“Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” — Brooke Shields


“People always come up to me and say that my smoking is bothering them….well it’s killing me!” — Wendy Liebman


“Impotence is one of the major hazards of cigarette smoking.” — Loni Anderson


“It is better to not even try it than to endure the ramifications of either quitting smoking or dying.” — Christy Turlington


“A cigarette is the only consumer product which when used as directed kills its consumer.” — Gro Harlem Brundtland


“Cigarette companies market heavily to young people. They need young customers because their product kills the older ones. It is the only product that, if used as intended, kills the consumer.” — George Carlin


“Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.” — King James I


“The true face of smoking is a disease, death, and horror – not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.” — David Byrne


“The dead drug leaves a ghost behind. At certain hours it haunts the house.” — Jean Cocteau


Funny Quotes on Giving up Smoking

“Cigarette sales would drop to zero overnight if the warning said “CIGARETTES CONTAIN FAT.” — Dave Barry


“I’ve been smoking nearly 50 years now. I just don’t feel safe breathing anything I can’t see!” —Dave Beard


“If I had taken my doctor’s advice and quit smoking when he advised me to, I wouldn’t have lived to go to his funeral.” — George Burns


“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” — Mark Twain


“As an example to others, and not that I care for moderation myself, it has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain from smoking when awake.” — Mark Twain


“If we see you smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action.” — Douglas Adams


“There’s something luxurious about having a girl light your cigarette. In fact, I got married once on account of that.” — Harold Robbins


“Even, I have given up smoking again!… God! I feel fit. Homicidal, but fit. A different man. Irritable, moody, depressed, rude, nervy, perhaps; but the lungs are fine.” — A. P. Herbert


“If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking, and loving, you don’t actually live longer; it just seems longer.” — Clement Freud


“I’m eighty-three and I’ve been smoking since I was eleven. I’m suing the cigarette company because it promised to kill me and it hasn’t.” — Kurt Vonnegut


“The only thing that bothers me is if I’m in a restaurant and I’m eating and someone says, ‘Hey, mind if I smoke?’ I always say, ‘No. Mind if I fart?” — Steve Martin


“Cigarette sales would drop to zero overnight if the warning said “CIGARETTES CONTAIN FAT.” — Dave Barry


“I’ve been smoking nearly 50 years now. I just don’t feel safe breathing anything I can’t see!” —Dave Beard


“If I had taken my doctor’s advice and quit smoking when he advised me to, I wouldn’t have lived to go to his funeral.” — George Burns


“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” — Mark Twain


“As an example to others, and not that I care for moderation myself, it has always been my rule never to smoke when asleep, and never to refrain from smoking when awake.” — Mark Twain


“If we see you smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action.” — Douglas Adams


“There’s something luxurious about having a girl light your cigarette. In fact, I got married once on account of that.” — Harold Robbins


“aven, I have given up smoking again!… God! I feel fit. Homicidal, but fit. A different man. Irritable, moody, depressed, rude, nervy, perhaps; but the lungs are fine.” — A. P. Herbert


“If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking, and loving, you don’t actually live longer; it just seems longer.” — Clement Freud


“I’m eighty-three and I’ve been smoking since I was eleven. I’m suing the cigarette company because it promised to kill me and it hasn’t.” — Kurt Vonnegut


“The only thing that bothers me is if I’m in a restaurant and I’m eating and someone says, ‘Hey, mind if I smoke?’ I always say, ‘No. Mind if I fart?” — Steve Martin


“You won’t go the hell for smoking, you’ll just smell like you’ve been there.” — Ray Emery


“When someone says to me, Ugh, you smoke. I reply, Ugh, you’re ugly. I can quit smoking.” — Winston Churchill


Anti Smoking: Sayings


“Impotence is one of the major hazards of cigarette smoking.” — Loni Anderson


“Smoking sucks! The one thing I would say to my kid is, ‘It’s not just that it’s bad for you. Do you want to spend the rest of your life fighting a stupid addiction to a stupid thing that doesn’t even really give you a good buzz?” — Katherine Heigl


“I’m more proud of quitting smoking than of anything else I’ve done in my life, including winning an Oscar.” — Christine Lahti


“Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” — Brooke Shields


“The true face of smoking is a disease, death, and horror – not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.” — David Byrne


“I still believe that ‘No Smoking’ is one of my best performances.” — John Abraham


“I think the reason kids get into drugs and smoking is they don’t have anything to do.” — Richard Thompson


“I don’t smoke and I don’t want to smoke. I am not a fan of gratuitous smoking in films.” — Edward Norton


“I don’t want to smoke on screen, as I will be sending a wrong message to my fans, and I appeal to my costars too, to avoid smoking scenes if possible.” — Mahesh Babu


“It is common knowledge that smoking is considered one of the nation’s leading causes of preventable death, but it’s less widely known that cigarettes are also the leading cause of fatal fires.” — Ed Markey


“Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs.” — King James I


“Smoking is related to practically every terrible thing that can happen to you.” — Loni Anderson


“You’re always better off if you quit smoking; it’s never too late.” — Loni Anderson


“Smoking is one of the leading causes of all statistics.” — Liza Minnelli


“We have to treat smoking as a major public health issue. We have to reduce the extent to which young people start smoking, and one of the issues is the extent to which display of cigarettes and brands does draw young people into smoking in the first place.” — Andrew Lansley


“It takes a lot of dedication to quitting smoking, and whether you give up for good on your first try or have to give it a couple of tries – just keep swinging at it and you will succeed.” — Harmon Killebrew


“Parents should not smoke in order to discourage their kids from smoking. A child is more likely to smoke when they have been raised in the environment of a smoker.” — Christy Turlington


“There are no crowds out there demanding to see smoking scenes in movies.” — Joe Eszterhas


“Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking, and gives me something to do.” — Billy Joe Saunders


“Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” — Mark Twain

Biranchi Narayan

Biranchi Narayan