
Best Recycling Slogans, Quotes and Taglines

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iBiranchi Team has collected an extensive list of the best catchy and unique Recycling or Waste Management awareness Slogans, Quotes, Phrases, Taglines, and Sayings to encourage Reduce and Reuse.

If you are looking for cool and unique slogans and taglines related to Recycling, Reuse, or waste management then don’t search more. Luckily! You are at the right place.

Our team has shortlisted a few catchy slogans and quotes to save you time and energy.


Recycling Slogans

Stop! Don’t waste scrap; recycle it.

A smart man never denies Recycling.

Stupid process new things with trash.

Don’t lose a chance of reuse.

Daily recycle your mind.

Let’s start Recycling; everyone is doing it.

Recycling is a better option.

Recycle the world.

A dustbin is not the right place for trash.

Don’t be harsh; recycle your emotions.

Select one, recycle it, or waste it.

Recycle your past and present then make a perfect future.

Recycle paper, trees, and plants.

Don’t sling it away; reuse it another way.

Don’t fling it, reuse it.

Trash and treasure are best friends.

Dustbine is villan of.

Don’t be sad; recycle your good time.

Don’t throw bottles recycle them.

Recycle your earth.

Shhh! Recycle it.

Recycle today; tomorrow gets the benefit.

Be a scientist, reuse, reduce, & recycle.

Don’t panic; reduce your depression.

Remember, it always recycles.

Are you bullshit! Recycle your trash.

Save it, don’t lose it.

Recycling, it’s not a difficult task.

Recycling makes it impossible to possible.

Say no to junk.


Catchy Recycling Slogans

Recycle the trash, recycle the world

Eat, sleep, reuse

Recycle plastic for the future is fantastic

Don’t trash the nature

Recycle to save for a better tomorrow

Making recycling fun

Because Green is the color of tomorrow’s health

Stop trashing the future

Save the waste

Recycle it for the new generation

Recycle the past for a better tomorrow

Recycle has the ability to change the future

Do not abuse the Earth by refusing to reuse

Think Green think future

Because the green planet is the healthiest planet

Reuse more, Bin less

Stop being a punk and start recycling the junk

Litter has the power to make Earth bitter

Recycle more, enjoy nature more

Recycling saves money

Only recycling can make the future healthier

Recycle for the cycle of life

Recycling comes with complex benefits

One word – Recycle, many benefits

Stop losing and start reusing

Take the initiative and start the difference

The responsible responsibility of human beings is to recycle

Stop recycling the ideas and start recycling materials

Start recycling for your children

Reuse the yesteryear to save the near future

Start recycling, start bicycling

Do not deplete the land and recycle the Can

For something drastic, cut the plastic

Let the Earth thank you

Stop dragging and start reusing the bags

Start practicing the 3Rs – Reduce, reuse, recycle

Show your creativity by reusing it

You don’t throw trash; you throw your future away

Stop bagging Earth with plastic

Refuse the plastic, stop the drastic

Think outside the dustbin

Support your planet, support your future

Start recycling because it actually works

Start reducing landfills and increasing recycling

Metempsychosis you can believe in

Some things are better in use in their second innings

Believe in Re-Do, Believe in ReCycle

Do not litter the future

A little effort can lead to a big difference

Recycle as many times as you can

For you, it’s trash; for another, it’s a treasure

Follow the rules, recycle, and reuse

Get the alternatives of plastic as it feels fantastic

Show your innovative side by reusing it in your own way

Stop talking about recycling and Start practicing

It’s not so difficult to Go Green

Let our children don’t know what plastic even means

Be the source for second-hand resource

Start practicing start inspiring

Saying No to plastic cost nothing

It’s high time for us to reciprocate with nature

Recycling is a deed of wise people

Recycling is Priority

My responsibility is to recycle it

I love Planet; that’s why I recycle

Think Outside the Trash, Recycle

Good. better. best. Recycle

Recycle: its best of the Time

be Cool; let’s Recycle

Recycle or Die

Let’s Recycle for a Better Future


Creative Recycling Slogans

Dude, It’s not hard to Recycle

Being Green is sexier

Embrace the Change

Don’t forget to recycle

Don’t Be Mean, Be Green.

Recycling is a fun

Eat, Sleep, Recycle.

Once it is not enough, recycle.

Rethink, Reduce, & Recycle

Just say no to styro.

Shut up & recycle.

Time is the only thing we can’t recycle.

Waste is a terrible thing: Recycle.

Save paper, save trees, save the planet.

Why recycle glass? The answer is clear.

No doubt, don’t throw it out.

Think Green, Recycle it

Never Refuse to Reuse

Think Globally, Act Locally

Keep Cool and Recycle

Waste it once…pay for it twice!

Be Better, Be Recycler

Recycling plastic feels fantastic!

Waste does not Want more

Do it for Our Future, Recycle

Enjoy Nature, believe in Recycle

I think you Understand The Recycle

PLZ Recycle

Hey! It’s Important; Please Recycle

Thinking is Different; Recycling is Unique

Don’t throw it away, Recycle

Refuse to Recycle, Abuse to Planet

Have you hugged your recycle bin today?

Time to think of Recycling

Not to be Trashy

Trees know to Recycle. Are you?

Something is better the Second time

It’s a small planet, Recycle


Waste Management Slogans

Focus more on reuse, then throw trash.

I have a problem; I don’t know how to recycle.

Nature needs recycling.

If you want clean, then do recycling.

Just love your recycle bin.

The world is round; recycling is bound.

Just do it.

Recycle is not a pity thing; it’s a pretty thing.

Recycling is a good habit.

Keep relaxed & recycle.

Increase recycling & decrease pollution.

Don’t waste paper, create new items.

Recycling is everyone’s duty.

Not enough one-time recycling, repeat it.

Dude, Recycling is a fantastic job.

Agree with the reality of recycling.

If you are creative, then you never refuse to reuse.

I love woody trash because I use it.

Recycling is a saving of money.

Don’t say sorry for recycling.

Never kick recycling in life.

Reuse, and recycle is not bullshit.

Recycling the environment is our biggest dream.

Stop chasing waste of your material.

Far away to be trashy.

Reuse aluminum because of its superb.

Save energy for recycling.

Society needs recycling.

Do something exciting, reuse the plastic

When you decided to recycle, it’s your best decision.

Hate to waste material

Trash? No issue, I have a solution.

Recycling? Enhance possibilities.

Recycle is the best way to use waste.

Be kind, and do recycling.

Behave yourself and do recycling.

Use a paper bag because it can recycle.

Recycling changes society economically.

Nature needs something in return; this is recycling.

I am a recycling machine.


Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Sayings

Want to save your earth then save your tree.

Recycling requires less money.

You think about it.

If you want to use plastic bottles; it’s okay to recycle them.

You don’t like recycling; you are selfish.

First, you stand for recycling then your family also helps.

Be aware of your family for the process of recycling.

It’s scorching today, because of less recycling.

Healthy food decrease depression; it’s all about trees.

Don’t use wet tissues, use water.

Recycling saves our generation.

Don’t be confused; recycling is best.

Earth desires to recycle.

Recycling learns something new.

Get up and motivate.

Every day is used to make something new.

Recycling rocks feel fantastic.

Just think benefits before throwing waste material.

One day you will pay the price to sling cash.

Are you serious about wasting?

It’s incredible if you understand the importance of trash.

Reuse things and be a cool man.

If you care about your family’s health, then start recycling.

It’s my pleasure; I can’t control myself to recycle.

Recycling brings new things to our society.

Recycling? Keep it up.

If you like flowers, then grow it.

Do something crazy from the trash.

Recycling is the witness of wisdom.

Recycling is the best hobby.

Reusing, reducing, and recycling is challenging our generation.

Genesis people invest in recycling.

Release depression due to recycling good memories.

Do did and done recycle.

Our nature is in a danger zone.

Recycling trash and getting the comfort of life.

Are you wasting it? It’s your back luck.

Money is valuable, so recycle paper.

Always talk about rights, it's time to talk about duties.

We have eight planets, only one where life is possible; please care it.

Wasting is down, and recycling is up.

Dad says, recycling your dreams.

Recyclers are the inspiration of our society.

Recycler does it again and again, to get results extraordinary

Think about what is inside the trash.

Do you love trash today?

Recycle, it’s your destiny.

Leisure time is the best way to think about recycling.

Enhance your abilities and recycle them.

People think I’m a fool because I reuse things.

When you doubt anything, don’t waste it.

You will produce garbage in your lifetime, recycle it.

Recycles can’t stop.

Factories can’t be recycled, which causes pollution.

Industries do not focus on recycling; they concentrate only on the raw material.

If you want to live peacefully, then start recycling.

Recyclers perform like a hero.

Recycling the environment to help tackle climate change.

It’s abusive if you don’t do recycling.

Recycle is a simple word that consists of many advantages.

Be responsible, not only think about this and just recycle it.

Throw trash like throw the future.

Consume a litter effort and get more.

Recycle! Thumbs up.

Recyclers always perform a mind-blowing job.


Brilliant Recycling Slogans &Taglines

Be Nostalgic. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Be the change you want to see in the world: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Bin less, recycle more.

Do it for the Kids- Recycle.

Do something drastic, cut the plastic!

Don’t be a punk! Recycle your junk!

Don’t be trashy, recycle.

Don’t forget to recycle.

Don’t Litter, it makes the world bitter!

Don’t sling it. Recycle it.

Don’t throw away, recycle for another day.

Don’t throw it away, it can be used in some other way.

Don’t throw your future away!

Don’t trash our future: Recycle.

Eat, Sleep, Recycle.

Enjoy nature. Recycle.

Glass: Melt It, Shape It, Reuse It: No Problem!

Go green with recycling…

Got pollution? Be the solution!…RECYCLE.

Happiness is recycling.

Have you hugged your recycle bin today?

I am a mean, green, recycling machine.

I pity the fool who doesn’t recycle.

In natural environments, plastic is static.

It’s a recycling thing, you wouldn’t understand.

It’s a small planet, Recycle.

It’s all about recycling.

It’s easy being green- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Just say no to Styro.

Just think before you bin it, there could be some use in it!

Keep calm & recycle.

Make Our Planet a cleaner place to Live…..Recycle.

Mom says Recycle.

Money grows on trees: Recycle paper.

Never refuse to reuse.

Once is not enough, recycle.

One careless toss now can lead to 14 stitches later.

Our future depends on recycling.

Paper, Bottles, Plastic, Cans. Recycle them all, and take a stand!

Recycle – Do it for the Kids.

Recycle each and every day, instead of throwing paper and plastic away.

Recycle for a life cycle!

Recycle glass and dance barefoot through the park.

Recycle it, don’t trash it.

Recycle material, not ideas.

Recycling takes little effort on your part, for a big difference to our world.

Recycle the present, save the future.

Recycle today for a better tomorrow.

Recycle your trash or trash your Earth.

Recycle your waste, save energy, conserve resources, and preserve the nature of the world.

Recycle, It’s Your Future.

Recycle, Recycle, it’s not hard to do, you can reduce pollution and help the world too.

Recycle, recycle, recycle, it’s the only way to go.

Recycle, reduce, reuse … close the loop!

Recycle. Everybody’s doing it.

Recyclers do it over and over again.

Recycling is a habit of cool people.

Recycling is a mind-blowing idea.

Recycling is a simple act with complex benefits.

Recycling is easy!

Recycling is everyone’s responsibility.

Recycling is for those who expect more out of themselves and society.

Recycling is the reincarnation of rubbish.

Recycling is the best solution.

Recycling Is The Key To A Clean And Safe Environment.

Recycling is the only option.

Recycling is the way to be.

Recycling plastic feels fantastic!

Recycling Rocks.

Recycling, a cool thing to do.

Recycling: It’s no waste of time.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Reuse aluminum. Why? Because you CAN.

Reuse it or Lose it.

Reuse old news!

Reuse yesteryear, Recycle the current, Save the near future!

Save paper, save trees, save the planet.

Shut up & recycle.

The choice is yours: Save it or waste it.

The plastic of today is the habitat of tomorrow.

Think before you trash, Recycle.

Think globally, act locally!

Think outside the trash…Recycle!

Think Smart, Think Green – Recycle!

Time is the only thing we can’t recycle.

Time to think of recycling.

Waste is a terrible thing: Recycle.

Waste it once…pay for it twice!

What goes around, comes around again.

When in doubt, don’t throw it out!

When you refuse to reuse, it’s our Earth you abuse.

Why recycle glass? The answer is clear.

Wise people do recycling.

With Recycling; the possibilities are endless.

You are the Difference – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

You can’t change the past but you can change the future, always remember to recycle.

You will produce about 127,604 pounds of garbage in your lifetime. Recycle.


Best Recycling Quotes

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” ― Robert Swan


 “Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” — Fred Rogers


“There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” — Annie Leonard


“When you put the whole picture together, recycling is the right thing to do.” —Pam Shoemaker


“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” ― Unknown


“We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” — Thomas Fuller


“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” — Terry Swearingen


“It makes a big difference to recycle. It makes a big difference to use recycled products. It makes a big difference to reuse things, to not use the paper cup – and each time you do, that’s a victory.” — Emily Deschanel


“The purpose – where I start – is the idea of use. It is not recycling, it’s reuse.” — Issey Miyake


“If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, re-designed or removed from production.” — Pete Seeger


“We live in a disposable society. It’s easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name – we call it recycling.” ― Neil LaBute


“Waste does not exist in nature because ecosystems reuse everything that grows in a never-ending cycle of efficiency and purpose.” — Frans van Houten


“For me, green is more about cycling than recycling.” — Giles Deacon


“If recycling is the future, then we must focus our efforts on mitigating negative impacts to our community while protecting our environment.” ― Tony Cardenas


“I like to take out the recycling because I actually feel like I’m doing something.” ― Mike Quigley


“Societies only have waste products while acquiring fresh raw material remains a cheaper option than recycling.” ― Peter F. Hamilton


“We were in recycling before recycling was cool.” ― Anthony Pratt


“My mom is a recycling nut, and I always bring a bag to the grocery store.” ― Jane Levy


“If you want grown-ups to recycle, just tell their kids the importance of recycling, and they’ll be all over it.” ― Bill Nye


“Waste does not exist in nature because ecosystems reuse everything that grows in a never-ending cycle of efficiency and purpose.” ― Frans van Houten


“While recycling is great in a lot of ways, the ultimate goal is to get people to prevent waste in the first place.” ― McKenzie Jones


“I like to take out the recycling because I actually feel like I’m doing something.” ― Mike Quigley


“A smart city cannot be imagined without proper recycling.” ― Rajnath Singh


“It started as a selfish act and has turned into a way of life. I can’t stand to watch someone throw anything away that belongs in my green bin.” ― Jen Hatmaker


“Reusing what you already have has always been green – from clothes to boxes to glass jars from the supermarket.” ― Rachel Boston


“If you’re not buying recycled products, you’re not really recycling.” ― Ed Begley, Jr


“For me, green is more about cycling than recycling.” ― Giles Deacon


“A society is defined not only by what it creates but by what it refuses to destroy.” ― John Sawhill


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Quotes

  • “I’m a recycling obsessive.” — Perdita Weeks


  • “When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuse.”  Unknown


  • “Recycle. The possibilities are endless.” — Unknown


  • “We were in recycling before recycling was cool.” — Anthony Pratt


  • “For me, green is more about cycling than recycling.”  Giles Deacon


  • “Recycling old buildings to show art is very important.” — Agnes Gund


  • “The recycling in my house was imposed by my kids.” — Antonio Banderas


  • “A smart city cannot be imagined without proper recycling.” — Rajnath Singh


  • “It’s like recycling: selling old clothes to help make new ones.” — Erin O’Connor


  • “If you’re not buying recycled products, you’re not really recycling.” — Ed Begley, Jr.


  • “My mom is a recycling nut, and I always bring a bag to the grocery store.” — Jane Levy


  • “I would rather see us recycle fewer things well than more things poorly.” — David Allaway


  • “The purpose – where I start – is the idea of use. It is not recycling, it’s reuse.” — Issey Miyake


  • “I like to take out the recycling because I actually feel like I’m doing something.” — Mike Quigley


  • “A society is defined not only by what it creates but by what it refuses to destroy.” — John Sawhill


  • “Recycling is an area where jobs could be created at low cost. Green collar workers.” — Geoff Mulgan


  • “If you want grown-ups to recycle, just tell their kids the importance of recycling, and they’ll be all over it.” — Bill Nye


  • “Recycling, packaging, businesses are changing all of those things because that’s what consumers want.” — Jerry Greenfield


  • “We live in a disposable society. It’s easier to throw things out than to fix them. We even give it a name – we call it recycling.” — Neil LaBute


  • “If recycling is the future, then we must focus our efforts on mitigating negative impacts to our community while protecting our environment.” — Tony Cardenas


  • “If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled, or composted, then it should be restricted, designed, or removed from production.” — Pete Seeger


  • “You have to keep recycling yourself.” — Chuck Palahniuk


  • “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.” — Proverb


  • “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting.”  Unknown


  • “We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.” — Thomas Fuller


  • “We won’t have a society if we destroy the environment.” — Margaret Mead


  • “In my family, we’ve always been into ethical stuff and recycling.” — Bonnie Wright


  • “We are living on this planet as if we have another one to go to.” — Terry Swearingen


  • “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” — Robert Swan


  • “What’s more important than recycling? Producing something to recycle.” — Gordon Osmond


  • “Resurface. Reupholster. Repaint. Refinish. Make something old new again!” — Natalie DiScala


  • “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” — Albert Einstein


  • “There is no such thing as ‘away’. When we throw anything away it must go somewhere.” — Annie Leonard


  • “We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.” — Native American Proverb


  • “Recycling one aluminum can save enough energy to run your TV for three hours.” — Reynolds Metal Company


  • “Do not wait for extraordinary circumstances to do good action; try to use ordinary situations.” — Jean Paul Richter


  • “Water efficiency, recycling, and other local supplies will help California flourish in a drier future.”  Frances Beinecke


  • “So, I’m going to go on and work on preserving the ozone layer, encouraging everyone to recycle.” — Dean Stockwell


  • “My hobby of not attending meetings about recycling saves more energy than your hobby of recycling.” — John McCarthy


  • “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” — Rachel Carson


  • “Consuming less means throwing away less, while reusing things actually helps to save the planet as well as the pennies.” — Sheherazade Goldsmith


  • “We recycle everything in my house. I’m not into any particular organizations, but I’m doing my part and that makes me feel okay.” — Mark-Paul Gosselaar


  • “We’re all concerned about sustainable energy. If we could recycle waste heat to generate energy, we could use it for something useful.” — Mildred Dresselhaus


  • “I don’t understand why when we destroy something created by man we call it vandalism, but when we destroy something by nature we call it progress.” — Ed Begley Jr.


  • “Reducing and reusing take nothing more than a rethink on the way we shop, and using our imagination with the things that we might once have considered junk.” — Sheherazade Goldsmith


  • “The recycling movement is floundering, and its survival depends on continual subsidies, sermons, and policing. How can you build a sustainable city with a strategy that can’t even sustain itself?” — John Tierney


  • “I know quite a few eco designers who build dresses out of old couture gowns. They disassemble, ‘upcycle,’ and reuse them in extraordinary ways. To me, that’s a sustainable way of doing things.” — Suzy Amis


  • “We can help educate our families and communities about the importance of recycling for our environment, and how each of us can make a difference for a better world by recycling.” — Robert Alan Silverstein


  • “I own about 300 pairs of shoes. When I start to go over 300, I have mini-sales from my closet and give the money to charity. It’s my way of recycling; I feel like I can give back to the universe.” — Stacy London

Waste Management Quotes

  • “Buy less, choose well.” — Vivienne Westwood


  • “Waste is a terrible thing to mind – Recycle.” — Bumper Sticker


  • “The more we recycle, the less we need to mine.” — Wilfred Visser


  • “It´s an illusion that the solution to pollution is dilution!” — Unknown


  • “Here, all waste will be viewed as a recycling opportunity.” — Beezer Molten


  • “It’s hard to get everybody to recycle paper and plastic, let alone.” — Richard Karn


  • “We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.” — Terry Swearingen


  • “At its core, the issue of a clean environment is a matter of public health.” — Gina McCarthy


  • “You can tell how high a society is by how much of its garbage is recycled.” — Dhyani Ywahoo


  • “You can help keep garbage out of landfills by using things again and again.” — Margie Burton


  • “I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” — Mother Teresa


  • “Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.” — Fred Rogers


  • “While recycling is great in a lot of ways, the ultimate goal is to get people to prevent waste in the first place.” — Mckenzie Jones


  • “If you care about the environment and how it will affect mankind, then recycling shouldn’t take a second thought.” — Jeffrey Sanderson


  • “Societies only have waste products while acquiring fresh raw material remains a cheaper option than recycling.”  Peter F. Hamilton


  • “The agriculture we seek will act like an ecosystem, feature material recycling and run on the contemporary sunlight of our star.” — Wes Jackson


  • “During holiday parties I end up recycling a lot of my cocktail dresses and just wearing a layering piece, like blazer and tights, with it.” — Lauren Conrad


  • “Waste does not exist in nature because ecosystems reuse everything that grows in a never-ending cycle of efficiency and purpose.” — Frans van Houten


  • “Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to be dispersed because we’ve been ignorant of their value.” — R. Buckminster Fuller


  • “All the human and animal manure which the world wastes, if returned to the land, instead of being thrown into the sea, would suffice to nourish the world.” — Victor Hugo


  • “My number one thing is to recycle everything from newspaper to aluminum cans, and I even use a canvas bag instead of the plastic ones when I go to the grocery store.” — Maiara Walsh


  • “It’s time we stopped turning up our noses at the nation’s garbage dumps and started appreciating them for what they really are — the municipal mines, forests, oil wells, and energy sources of the future!” — Max Spendlove


  • “Years ago, we all talked about recycling and not dumping things down your drain and all of that but talking doesn’t help much. Basically, it’s going to have to be legislation because the impact is so huge and diversified.” — Ted Danson


  • “We are not to throw away those things which can benefit our neighbor. Goods are called good because they can be used for good: they are instruments for good, in the hands of those who use them properly.” — Clement of Alexandria


  • “I’m mad keen on recycling because I’m worried about the next generation and where all this waste we’re producing is going. It has to stop. I wash out my plastic containers and recycle envelopes, everything I possibly can.” — Cherie Lunghi


  • “Recycling is a good thing to do. It makes people feel good to do it. The thing I want to emphasize is the vast difference between recycling for the purpose of feeling good and recycling for the purpose of solving the trash problem.” — Barry Commoner


  • “Why recycle? Because one ton of recycled paper…. – saves 24,000 gallons of water, eliminates 3 cubic yards of landfill space, eliminates 60 pounds of air pollutants, saves enough energy to power the average home for 6 months, saves about 20 trees, saves 4 barrels of oil.” — Unknown


  • “We may recycle newspapers and glass and take proper satisfaction for doing so, but we remain caught in a web of spiritual assumptions about success and consumption, progress and waste that effectively undermine and trivialize our efforts to escape.” — William H. Becker


  • “Like a shadow that does not permit us to jump over it, but moves with us to maintain its proper distance, pollution is nature’s answer to culture. When we have learned to recycle pollution into potent information, we will have passed over completely into the new cultural ecology.” — William Irwin Thompson


  • “In Los Angeles, I drive a hybrid and live in a very simple home. Anything you do from carrying a canteen of water to starting a recycling program in your office makes a difference. Reusing what you already have has always been green – from clothes to boxes to glass jars from the supermarket.” — Rachel Boston
Biranchi Narayan

Biranchi Narayan