
Girl Names Inspired by Goddesses Around The World

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iBiranchi Team has collected a new list of the Top 150+ most popular baby girl names Inspired by Heavenly Qualities of Goddesses Around The World, which might sound perfect for your newborn baby girl. Baby Names Inspired By Goddesses Around the World.

This article will teach you the most relevant and trending Goddesses' baby girl names. (Girl Names Meaning Goddesses) All Baby Girl Names Inspired by Goddesses, are arranged alphabetically with their meaning in English.


Abi – My father (Hebrew)
Aceso – Goddess of the healing process and health (Greek)
Adeena – Gentle, delicate (Hebrew)
Aida Wedo – Haitian Vodou goddess of rainbows and serpents (Muslim)
Aine – Goddess of summer, wealth, and sovereignty (Irish)
Aja – Goddess of the forest, herbalism, and healing (Yoruba)
Amaterasu – Goddess of the sun and the universe (Japanese)
Anahita – Goddess of water, fertility, and wisdom (Persian)
Anat – Goddess of love, fertility, and war (Hebrew)
Aneena – Grace (Hebrew)
Anika – Grace, favor (Hebrew)
Annee – Grace (French)
Annika – Grace, favor (Swedish)
Anuket – Goddess of the Nile, fertility, and abundance (Egyptian)
Anushka – Grace, favor (Russian)
Aphrodite – Goddess of love, beauty, and desire (Greek)
Arad – Wild donkey (Hebrew)
Arianrhod – Goddess of the moon, stars, and destiny (Welsh)
Arianrod – Goddess of the moon, stars, and fate (Celtic)
Artemis – Goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and the moon (Greek)
Astarte – Goddess of fertility, sexuality, and war (Greek)
Athena – Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts (Greek)
Aurora – Goddess of the dawn, new beginnings, and light (Roman)
Avni – My stone (Hebrew)
Bastet – Goddess of cats, protection, and fertility (Egyptian)
Belina – God is my oath (Hebrew)
Bellona – Goddess of war and destruction (Roman)
Bendis – Goddess of the moon, hunting, and nature (Romanian)
Benzaiten – Goddess of knowledge, beauty, and the arts (Japanese)
Bia – Goddess of force, power, and strength (Greek)
Bina – Understanding, intelligence (Hebrew)
Blodeuwedd – Goddess of flowers, transformation, and rebirth (Welsh)
Branwen – Goddess of love and beauty (Welsh)
Brigid – Goddess of fire, healing, and poetry (Celtic)
Brigit – Goddess of fire, poetry, and healing (Celtic)
Cailleach – Goddess of winter, storms, and the land (Celtic)
Ceres – Goddess of agriculture, fertility, and motherly love (Roman)
Cerridwen – Goddess of transformation, rebirth, and inspiration (Celtic)
Chang’e – Goddess of the moon and immortality (Chinese)
Cihuacoatl – Goddess of fertility, motherhood, and childbirth (Aztec)
Cliodhna – Goddess of beauty and the otherworld (Celtic)
Coatlicue – Goddess of the earth, life, and death (Aztec)
Coventina – Goddess of wells, springs, and healing (Celtic)
Cybele – Goddess of the earth, fertility, and wild animals (Phrygian)
Danu – Goddess of fertility, wisdom, and the land (Celtic)
Dea – Goddess (Latin)
Debi – Short form of Deborah, bee (Hebrew)
Demeter – Goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest (Greek)
Devi – Goddess (Sanskrit)
Devina – Divine, godly (English)
Devri – Devoted (Hebrew)
Diana – Roman goddess of the hunt, the moon, and wild animals (Roman)
Dione – Goddess of oracles, prophecy, and the sea (Greek)
Divina – Divine, heavenly (Latin)
Durga – Goddess of protection, strength, and victory (Indian)
Eir – Goddess of healing and mercy (Norse)
Eirene – Goddess of the dawn, Peace (Greek)
Eos – Goddess of the dawn, light, and morning (Greek)
Eostre – German goddess of spring and fertility (German)
Epona – Goddess of horses, fertility, and travel (Celtic)
Ereshkigal – Goddess of the underworld and death (Sumerian)
Erzulie – Haitian Vodou goddess of love, beauty, and luxury (Haiti)
Eva – Life, living one, Goddess of the forest (Hebrew)
Flidais – Goddess of the forest, wild animals, and fertility (Irish)
Flora – Goddess of flowers, spring, and fertility (Roman)
Fortuna – Goddess of luck, fortune, and fate (Roman)
Freya – Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility (Norse)
Freyja – Goddess of love, fertility, and beauty (Norse)
Frigg – Goddess of marriage, motherhood, and love (Norse)
Frigga – Goddess of love, marriage, and destiny (Norse)
Gaia – Goddess of the Earth and mother of all life (Greek)
Gauri – Goddess of purity, virtue, and nurturing (Indian)
Guanyin – Goddess of compassion, mercy, and protection (Chinese)
Hanita – God is gracious (Hebrew)
Hathor – Goddess of love, motherhood, and music (Egyptian)
Heba – Gift (Arabic)
Hebe – Greek goddess of youth and beauty (Greek)
Hecate – Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft, and crossroads (Greek)
Hel – Goddess of the underworld and the dead (Norse)
Hera – Goddess of marriage, women, and family (Greek)
Hestia – Goddess of the hearth, home, and family (Greek)
Ianna – Goddess of love, beauty, and desire (Sumerian)
Idunn – Goddess of youth, spring, and immortality (Norse)
Inanna – Goddess of love, beauty, and war (Aramaic)
Inari – Goddess of rice, agriculture, and foxes (Japanese)
Ira – Watchful (Hebrew)
Irene – Peace (Greek)
Isha – Woman (Sanskrit)
Ishtar – Babylonian goddess of love, fertility, and war (Egyptian)
Isis – Goddess of life and magic (Egyptian)
Ixchel – Mayan goddess of the moon, fertility, and childbirth (Aztec)
Juno – Goddess of marriage, women, and childbirth (Roman)
Kali – Goddess of destruction, time, and power (Indian)
Kaya – Pure (Scandinavian)
Ketana – Small (Hebrew)
Kuanyin – Goddess of compassion, mercy, and healing (African)
Laima – Goddess of fate, destiny, and childbirth (Latvian)
Lakshmi – Goddess of wealth, prosperity, and fortune (Indian)
Lalita – Goddess of bliss, beauty, and desire (Indian)
Laverna – Goddess of thieves, trickery, and the underworld (French)
Lea – Weary (Hebrew)
Lilit – Night (Hebrew)
Lilith – Night, storm (Hebrew)
Lita – Light (Albanian)
Livana – White, moon (Hebrew)
Lola – Strong woman (Spanish)
Maat – Goddess of truth, justice, and harmony (Egyptian)
Macha – Goddess of sovereignty, horses, and war (Irish)
Mae – Pearl (English)
Mai – Brightness (Japanese)
Maia – Great (Greek)
Maman Brigitte – Haitian Vodou goddess of death, spirits, and cemeteries (English)
Mami Wata – Goddess of water, healing, and wealth (English)
Mari – Sea (Welsh)
Marzanna – Goddess of winter, death, and rebirth (Polih)
Mawu – Goddess of the earth, moon, and creation (African)
Maya – Illusion (Sanskrit)
Medb – Goddess of sovereignty, intoxication, and sensuality (Irish)
Mina – Love (Persian)
Minerva – Goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts (Latin)
Morrigan – Goddess of war, fate, and sovereignty (Celtic)
Nanna – Goddess of the moon and mourning (Scandinavian)
Nantosuelta – Goddess of nature, valleys, and rivers (Celtic)
Nehalennia – Goddess of the sea, fertility, and abundance (Latin)
Neith – Goddess of hunting, war, and wisdom (Egyptian)
Nekhbet – Goddess of motherhood, protection, and the pharaoh (Egyptian)
Nemesis – Goddess of retribution, justice, and balance (Greek)
Nephthys – Goddess of protection, mourning, and the dead (Egyptian)
Nerthus – Goddess of fertility, abundance, and peace (German)
Ngame – Goddess of the moon, creation, and renewal (African)
Nike – Goddess of victory, strength, and speed (Greek)
Nili – My strength (Hebrew)
Ninhursag – Goddess of the earth, fertility, and life (Anglo-Saxon)
Ninsun – Goddess of wisdom, dreams, and prophecy (Hebrew)
Norns – Goddess of fate, destiny, and time (Norse)
Nut – Goddess of the sky, stars, and the universe (Egyptian)
Nyx – Goddess of the night, darkness, and mystery (Greek)
Olokun – Goddess of the deep ocean, mysteries, and wealth (African)
Orina – Light Goddess (Hebrew)
Oshun – Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility (African)
Ostara – Goddess of spring, rebirth, and renewal (German)
Oya – Goddess of winds, storms, and change (Yoruba)
Pallas Athena – Goddess of wisdom, courage, and inspiration (Greek)
Parvati – Goddess of love, fertility, and devotion (Sanskrit)
Pele – Goddess of volcanoes, fire, and creation (Hawaiian)
Persephone – Goddess of spring, the underworld, and rebirth (Greek)
Pomona – Goddess of fruit, orchards, and gardens (Latin)
Prithvi – Goddess of the earth and fertility (Sanskrit)
Quan Am – Goddess of mercy and compassion (Vietnamese)
Quan Yin – Goddess of compassion, mercy, and healing (Chinese)
Radha – Goddess of love, beauty, and devotion (Indian)
Raisa – Rose (Yiddish)
Rama – Pleasing (Sanskrit)
Raya – Friend (Hebrew)
Reana – Mighty, kingly (Hebrew)
Rhea – Mother of gods (Greek)
Rhiannon – Goddess of horses, birds, and the moon (Welsh)
Sabrina – River goddess (Celtic)
Salina – Moon (Albanian)
Saraswati – Goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts (Indian)
Sarita – Princess (Spanish)
Sedna – Goddess of the sea and marine animals (Native American)
Sekhmet – Goddess of war, healing, and the sun (Egyptian)
Sela – Rock (Hebrew)
Selene – Goddess of the moon and light (Greek)
Seshat – Goddess of writing, knowledge, and wisdom (Egyptian)
Shana – Beautiful (Hebrew)
Sharon – A plain (Hebrew)
Shea – Hawk-like, stately (Indian)
Sheva – Oath (Hebrew)
Shyla – Daughter of the mountain (Sanskrit)
Sif – Goddess of fertility, family, and the harvest (Scandinavian)
Sigyn – Goddess of loyalty, fidelity, and compassion (Scandinavian)
Sita – Goddess of virtue, purity, and devotion (Indian)
Skadi – Goddess of winter, mountains, and the hunt (Scandinavian)
Sol – Sun (Spanish)
Sunna – Goddess of the sun, warmth, and energy (Arabic)
Tara – Goddess of compassion, enlightenment, and protection (Irish)
Theia – Goddess of sight and shining light of the clear blue sky (Greek)
Thena – Immortal (Greek)
Tiamat – Goddess of the ocean and chaos (Fiction)
Tlazolteotl – Goddess of purification, sin, and renewal (Aztec)
Uma – Tranquility, splendor (Sanskrit)
Uzume – Goddess of joy, laughter, and dance (Japanese)
Vania – God is gracious (Hebrew)
Vanna – God is gracious (Hebrew)
Vanni – God is gracious (Hebrew)
Vanya – God is gracious (Hebrew)
Venus – Goddess of love and beauty (Roman)
Vesta – Goddess of the hearth, home, and family (Roman)
Yana – God is gracious (Bulgarian)
Yemaya – Goddess of the sea, motherhood, and protection (Yoruba)
Yemoja – Goddess of the ocean, motherhood, and fertility (Yoruba)
Yhi – Goddess of light and creation (Aboriginal)
Yuki-Onna – Goddess of winter and cold (Japanese)
Zabrina – Princess (Hebrew)
Zaria – Princess (Slavic)

Sanjuwala Naik

Sanjuwala Naik